Watch the videos to learn all about smart selection tools.
If you’re committed to creating a productive, healthy, stress-free workplace, you’ll find these videos fascinating. Find out how the smart use of assessments can make you an organizational rock star!
Overview of Global Peak Solutions
Explore why companies make hiring decisions that don’t work out. And learn about the selection tools that can make a difference.
Assessments 101: What You Need To Know
There are three main categories of assessments. What can each of them can tell you about a person? Watch and find out.
Hiring the Right People
See how top performers are chosen by smart companies. And find out how assessments can increase your odds of making a great choice.
The Value of your Sales Staff
In this insightful video, you’ll find out how to put monetary value on different types of salespeople, so you can do some strategic planning of your salesforce.
Measuring the Character of Your Next Hire
How do you fit the right person to the right job? How can you avoid bad hires? This short video offers some interesting food for thought.
Do you have questions about what you’ve seen in the videos? Conrad Norman Global Peak Solutions will be glad to answer them at 678-993-0807.